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Part-Time and After-Preschool Programs 

Diving Ducklings: Ages 2 – 4 years old


As our youngest preschoolers, this may be the first time they are learning and playing away from parents. Children may attend two to five mornings per week from 8:45 to 11:45 AM. We focus on engaging the children in center-based play in each developmental area with a teacher who guides the children's exploration and helps facilitate the learning process. Our Diving Ducklings enjoy a small class size and many choices to explore their environment each morning. This program is designed to help children ease into their schooling experience with the whole child's development at the forefront of the experience. 

Little Inspirations’ NEW part-time preschool options are designed to meet your unique needs!


Families with children just beginning to test the preschool waters who do not need full-time preschool and want a flexible program will find our "Diving Ducklings" program a perfect match! This morning program is designed for parents to pick the days that their children attend on a monthly basis, while space is available.


Pickup and After-School Care programs are also available to offer a safe and engaging environment for children to grow and thrive outside of their regular school hours. Little Inspirations currently picks up from U of C Lab School's Nursery program, and we are open to exploring the option of children joining in after other preschool programs as well. 


Migrating Monarchs: Aftercare for Lab School's Nursery Program


Children who attend Lab School's Nursery program or can now continue to benefit from our Little Inspirations community! Our Migrating Monarchs teacher picks up children at noon. Children arrive at Little Inspirations for an after-school snack, some dramatic play, nature play and outdoor time, group games and other projects of interest to extend their day of learning play. Children enrolled in this program are also guaranteed a full-day space on no-school days when Little Inspirations is open, as well as in our super summer camp (Additional fees apply). 

No more worries about not having care on non-school days!

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